Happy New Year!!!

Welcome to 2017. If your 2016 was anything like mine, it was a really challenging year. As individuals at the New Years Eve party everyone is really positive about the new year ahead. We have the greatest ideas about the future, we are going to change the world. This lasts for many of us until the next morning.

Once reality kicks in, we decide that instead of changing the world we are going to work on a few resolutions that will push us in the right or a new direction. we say things like “the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again” and “ a change is as good as a holiday”.

So why don’t we do the same with our businesses. “But we do a budget every year!”, i hear you say. A budget is just a monetary figure which you will use to hold yourself and your staff accountable too. Resolutions for your business should be so much more. Questions you should consider. 
– How do i want others to see my brand?
– What can my business contribute to the community?
– What additional products or services can i bring to market?
– How can i improve the moral of my employees?
– How can i improve customer relations?
– How will my business address changes in technology?

All these questions are about doing something different from what you are doing now. If you can think up some answers to these questions and put new ideas into practice, the bottom line will achieve itself. Afterall you started a business to change the world!